with Maksymilian Mamak
*halfscale facade model for Building Technology
with Maksymilian Mamak, Tracy Tan,
Claudia D’Auria, Eli Kim
5th semester - winter 2018/19
“Architectural Analysis as a Design Tool”
Prof. Diana Agrest, Prof. Anna Bokov, Prof. Ceren Bingol
The Cooper Union
Pedregulho is a housing complex from 1950s Brazilian modernism designed by Affonso Eduardo Reidy. In the second half of the 20th century, the term "Pedregulho" became synonymous with the residential and communal complex designed by Reidy and, at the same time, one of the most successful projects of Brazilian modernism.
The shift in meaning, from a hill to a building superstructure embraces the key element of this housing project: the topography of the Brazilian landscape. With a view on the city and landscape from the top of the hill, Pedregulho itself becomes the peculiar exhibit of Rio de Janeiro.
During the analytical learning process, the proportions, modules and sequences of the floor plan, section and facades, as well as organization and ambulatory of the original design are traced and analyzed. At the same time, the stylistic decisions and the typologies resulting from the social context of that period are challanged.
The analytical examination is continued up to the point where the characteristics of the project are processed and called into question in order to indicate the beginning of an intellectual and formal transformation of the analyzed element, floor plan or building concept.
model 1/32 ‘‘
abstracted topography and rhythm of structural elements: columns and load-bearing walls
model 1/32 ‘‘
changing the formal building rhythms in response to the social context (the rigid formal language of International Modernism contrasted with the rhythm of Brazilian music; the rhythm of structural elements is dynamised by the musical notation of Salsa Batucada)