between the lines
- and way back
Prof. Heike Büttner
Basic and Advanced Studies
in Philosophy and Practice of Architecture
1st year - summer 2017
Bauhaus-University Weimar
with Zeynep Argat
Being much more than just an entrance to or an exit from, a door can be an element that contains space (Raaeumlichkeit or Raum) – a transfer, a link, a riddle.
By choosing to enter through a small door followed by a dark corridor and find oneself in an illuminated space.
By understanding the real dimensions of the doors only after having climbed the stairs.
By entering the interior of a church in Vienna through a side door – and coming face to face with another pilgrim entering from the opposite side door... even though the main entrance remains locked.
In this project, the situation of encountering an unknown space (Raum) was “densed” to create a key experience. Combining the next entrances into a possibly endless sequence gives them a new spatial quality. One that may be discovered only when moving in between it and be read each time by everyone in a slightly different way.
Walter Benjamin recalls in “Berliner Kindheit um 1900“ how he once learned to write and read, perceiving every single letter as already completed in its beauty. Only later did he learn to combine them into complex associations – words, sentences, lines. This project aims to create a parallel existence of single unique door-spaces and their jointed sequence within its entire complexity.
concept models - singularity and compilation